Text retrieved from Credion - translated
Deniz Yilmaz owns the company Ocean Group. The company operates from The Hague, but is active in several (major) cities in the Netherlands. Yilmaz himself has been working in the real estate market since 2011 and has seen his organisation grow into a full-fledged real estate company that now employs five people. The entrepreneur is happy with his close-knit team, which strengthens each other in every way. Together with them, he has built up a wonderful real estate portfolio of residential, commercial and office properties. 'We mainly focus on acquisition and development in inner-city growth areas,' says Yilmaz. 'Our aim is to achieve consistent and organic growth. Within our growth strategy, the pillars of quality management, healthy returns and sustainability occupy a prominent place.'
Transformation project
Yilmaz wanted to purchase a transformation project in Rijswijk. The former office building is located on privately leased land, which made financing more complicated than usual. There are financiers who do not want to go along with this. 'Through one of my employees, I came into contact with Victor Cleine, advisor Credion Ridderkerk,' says Yilmaz. 'Victor knew financiers who did have a solution for our financing issue. We ourselves have a large network, but were missing just that one party that Credion does have. In the end, we found a great solution to this situation.'
Alternative to the major banks
'Based on the conversation with Yilmaz, I contacted several financiers in February 2022,' says Victor. 'From these, I selected a number of parties that could provide suitable financing. In this case, I ended up with Build Finance. A nice alternative to the major banks. Within a day, a digital meeting was scheduled and a week later we had an indicative offer. This was thanks to the speed of Kelly Oude Meijers and her colleagues at Build Finance.'
'Victor came to us to get a transformation project financed,' says Kelly. 'He asked how we viewed private leaseholds. That is not an obstacle for us. There was an immediate click and mutual trust. The communication was transparent from the start. Ocean Group is very progressive in monitoring its property portfolio. We received the required information in a structured way. Transformation projects involve a lot and require thorough preparation. Victor's approach was also very pleasant. He comes across as very reliable and honest. Victor was easy to reach and very helpful during the process. It has been a great combination of three areas of expertise.
'The success in this transaction was due to close cooperation with professional people, including Credion and Build Finance,' says Yilmaz. 'This was not a standard procedure. This had to be looked at carefully. Throughout the process, Victor maintained contact with us and the financier. He acted as a linchpin and was very thoughtful. Victor has the ability to understand complex matters and knows how to deal with them. His honesty and openness gave me a lot of confidence. Victor did not let go and kept the lines of communication constantly open. We stay in touch with each other. We work with a number of financing intermediaries, including Victor. Construction of 13 sustainable turn-key rental homes will start soon.'
From Credion (22 February 2023)